Analysis of Aquatic Feed Market
Market Analysis of Aquatic Feed in Egypt
The results indicated that the Egyptian aquafeed value-chain is relatively simple; including only four mainstakeholder groups. These are feed input suppliers, aquafeed producers, aquafeed marketers and tradersand fish farmers. Between 50 and 99% of feed ingredients used in aquafeed production in Egypt areimported. About 90% of Egyptian aquafeeds are produced by the private sector in the form of conventionallypressed, pelleted feeds (80–85%) and extruded feeds (15–20%). About 85% of those producers sell theirfeeds directly to farmers with payment either in cash or on credit, while the remaining 15% sell through in-termediaries such as traders.
Locally produced fish feed raw materials
The main protein sources used for fish feed production in Egypt aresoybean meal (SBM) (included at 20–40%) and fish meal2(3–22%).Other protein sources such as cotton seed meal (CSM), meat and bonemeal and poultry by-product meal are occasionally included at muchlower levels. Major dietary energy sources are generally included atthe following levels: yellow corn (10–35%), wheat bran (20–30%), ricebran (10–25%) and vegetable oils (1–5%). The inclusion levels of theseingredients depend on the protein and energy contents of the feed,the availability and prices of the ingredients and fish species and sizes.
For aquatic feed processing technology and equipment:
Bright Machinery is a pioneer in the manufacture of aquatic feed machine and fish feed production line. Floating fish feed processing line can provide the entire production and processing of fish feed and appropriate animal feed extruder equipment, from raw material crushing, mixing, extrusion drying, cooling to final packaging.
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