A study of the food industry
A study of the food industry
A common snack in parts of Asia for centuries, puffed grains have become a staple in mass-produced cereals and snacks on grocery store shelves around the world. The delightful crunch of rice cakes, varieties of puffed corn, and crispy bites in chocolate desserts is familiar (and delicious) for many.
Worldwide, the snack foods market is expected to exceed $600 billion in revenue by 2020, according to Global Industry Analysts. Europe and the US are the largest markets for snack foods manufacturers. The Asia/Pacific region is the world's fastest-growing snack foods market. Other regional growth opportunities include Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. The US snack foods manufacturing industry includes about 650 establishments (single-location companies and units of multi-location companies) with combined annual revenue of about $38 billion.
THE focus in processing equipment was firmly on production of ‘healthier’ snacks. Bright Company used end-products to demonstrate what its double-screw extruders are capable of, showing a fat-free blueberry flavoured puffed direct extruded snack. The flavour is added along with the corn to the mixer, using a flavour encapsulation system developed by Bright. A water-based coating is then applied at the end. Bright Company was also showing off the capabilities of its double screw extruders by producing various shapes of croutons - cubes, sticks and chips. It said it can make the croutons with up to 90% wheat, enabling customers to promote them as a ‘healthy’ snack.
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